Art / Culture / Education
African American Health Coalition DOS
City of Portland Vehicle Fleet Garage
Columbia Gorge Cape Horn Structures
Dinh Lang Community Center
Portland Fashion Incubator
Festival of Flowers
Gideon Overcrossing
Hillsboro Visual Arts
Laurelhurst and Mt. Tabor Park Railings
Monmouth Amphitheatre
Oregon City Municipal Passenger Elevator
OR Dept. of Fish & Wildlife Office Building
Oregon State Hospital Art Installation
Oxbow Park Welcome Center
PCC Cascade Project Learning Center
PCC Cascade Public Safety Building Feasibility
PCC Cascade SSB Renovation
PCC MAHB Auditorium Upgrades
PCC Electrical Power Generation
PCC Interim Use Facility
PCC Paragon Art Center
PCC Rock Creek Building 2
Portland Chinatown Museum
Portland Winter Light Festival
PP&R Colonel Summers Park Pavilion Gates
PP&R Laurelhurst and Mt. Tabor Railings
PPS Lincoln High School Culinary Arts
PPS McDaniel High School Modernization
PSU-Vietnam International STEM Center
Valley Art Association

Barnes & Morgan Tea and Threads
Gingerich Farms
Gourmet Productions
Hands On Children's Museum Café
Hood River Square
Local Choice Produce Market 
M&C Tofu Manufacturing
Pho Van SE 82nd
Pho Van Express
Pho Wah Restaurant
Red Robe Tea Shop
South Tacoma Community Center Kitchen
SE Ash Street Mixed-Use
Taiji Teahouse
ThinkShout Web Design Interior
United Way of the Columbia-Willamette
Yocream Yogurt Bar

Residential / Mixed Use
Gaston Residence
Globe Café and Apartments
Hawthorne Renovation
Hillside Resilience Hub
Hollywood Renovation
Irvington Residence
Lake Oswego Residence
Lincoln Court Housing
Micronesian Islander Community Housing
Milwaukie Renovation
NE 24th Avenue Renovation
NHA Powellhurst Apartments
NHA Shore Pines Apartments
Slab Town Live-Work
Station 162 Apartments
Sunnyside Renovation and ADU
Southwest Hills Renovation
Unicorn Bed Apartments
West Hills Residence

Urban Design / Infrastructure
Adams Street Pavilions
Albina Vision Study
Block 11 Development Analysis
Downtown Camas Redevelopment Visioning Study
Gideon Pedestrian / Bicycle Bridge
Hillsboro Downtown Renaissance
Monmouth Facilities Plan
North Old Town / Chinatown Redevelopment Strategy
Portland Police Mounted Patrol Unit
Port of Kalama Pedestrian / Bicycle Bridge
PSU Lincoln Station Development Plan
SE 92nd and Harold Redevelopment Strategy
Southwest Corridor Light Rail Project
Steelbridge Skatepark Development Plan
TriMet Bridgeport Station Design
TriMet PMLR Development Studies
TriMet Tigard Station Redevelopment
Washington Development Opportunity Study

Festival of Flowers
Hawthorne Furniture
Monmouth Amphitheater Stage Panels
Oxbow Welcome Center Gate
Pho Van Furnishings
Portland Winter Light Festival
PP&R Colonel Summers Park Pavilion Gates
PP&R Laurelhurst & Mt. Tabor Park Railings
Red Robe Signage
United Way Signage